Constitution Alive
Constitution Alive is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore the original intent of our founding documents that will lead to important, vital knowledge.
Starring: David Barton Rick Green
Linguagem: English
Release Date: 2012
Running Time: 1238 min
Genres: Documentários
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Constitution Alive
Constitution Alive is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore the original intent of our founding documents that will lead to important, vital knowledge.
Starring: David Barton Rick Green
Linguagem: English
Release Date: 2012
Running Time: 1238 min
Genres: Documentários
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New Releases
Constitution Alive
Constitution Alive is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore the original intent of our founding documents that will lead to important, vital knowledge.
Starring: David Barton Rick Green
Linguagem: English
Release Date: 2012
Running Time: 1238 min
Genres: Documentários
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