Summertime Christmas
While vacationing separately in small-town USA, Elwood and Nora, two of Santa's elves, receive an urgent transmission, initiating a series of events that will change their lives, and the world, forever.
Idioma: English
Release Date: 2010
Running Time: 111 min
Genres: Comedies Children and Family
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Summertime Christmas
Summertime Christmas
While vacationing separately in small-town USA, Elwood and Nora, two of Santa's elves, receive an urgent transmission, initiating a series of events that will change their lives, and the world, forever.
Idioma: English
Release Date: 2010
Running Time: 111 min
Genres: Comedies Children and Family
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New Releases
Summertime Christmas
Summertime Christmas
While vacationing separately in small-town USA, Elwood and Nora, two of Santa's elves, receive an urgent transmission, initiating a series of events that will change their lives, and the world, forever.
Idioma: English
Release Date: 2010
Running Time: 111 min
Genres: Comedies Children and Family
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