Investigating The Historical Jesus
This thought-provoking documentary follows the historical path of Jesus from birth to his crucifixion.
Starring: Robert Feduccia
Language: English
Release Date: 2016
Running Time: 108 min
Genres: Documentaries Faith and Spirituality
Investigating The Historical Jesus
Investigating The Historical Jesus
This thought-provoking documentary follows the historical path of Jesus from birth to his crucifixion.
Starring: Robert Feduccia
Language: English
Release Date: 2016
Running Time: 108 min
Genres: Documentaries Faith and Spirituality
New Releases
Investigating The Historical Jesus
Investigating The Historical Jesus
This thought-provoking documentary follows the historical path of Jesus from birth to his crucifixion.
Starring: Robert Feduccia
Language: English
Release Date: 2016
Running Time: 108 min
Genres: Documentaries Faith and Spirituality